Wednesday, January 18, 2017



The animal is a multicellular organism that, generally, presents the capacity of movement and sensitivity. It is characterized by having many eukaryotic cells, lacking a cell wall and photosynthetic pigments, and in addition to being heterotrophic, its nutrition is mainly effected by ingestion through an internal cavity, some animals feed on other living beings, and their reproduction It is usually sexual.
The morphology of an animal is very diverse, exists both microscopically (a worm) and large (a whale), just as its anatomy is very different between species.
An animal can live in water (aquatic) or on land (terrestrial).

Animals are a vital link in the food chain and are essential in maintaining the ecological balance, because when they die pass part of humus soil and then to decompose are absorbed by the plants for their nutrition and reproduction.


They are called marine animals to all those animals that live in the waters of the sea, all their life or at least much of it. We do not know, according to scientists, know them. Many marine species are among the extinct animals so there are many half of the animal species that inhabit the seabed, and as we go, we will never marine animals that we may not even know and we give you all the information below.

They should distinguish between animals that can take advantage of breathing oxygen dissolved in water and those who need to breathe oxygen from the air. Aquatic animals are distributed throughout the zoological scale, being almost exclusively aquatic those of lower groups (protozoa), as well as spongiaries, polyps and echinoderms, large number of worms, most mollusks and all brachiopods and tunicates. Of the arthropods that live in the water, there arealmost all crustaceans, rarely arachnids and aquatic insects, mosquitoes.

Among vertebrates, aquatic animals are also abundant, species living entirely in the water breathing through gills such as fish and all larval forms of amphibians, although the latter in their adult phases (with lung breathing) are sometimes aquatic The frog and the salamander and others, terrestrial like the frog.


As in the aquatic environment, terrestrial animals can live in different places. The body of terrestrial animals is prepared to crawl, walk, run, climb or fly, depending on the place of the land on which they live. Of the air they need to live; Almost all breathe through lungs and feed on plants and other animals. Some are huge and others very small. There are also animals that immediately after being born can take care of themselves and gold, more dependent, they have to be helped by their parents until they learn to survive alone.

Classification according to feed

Carnivores: Different species of animals have preferences and abilities to consume certain foods. Depending on what they eat, animals are classified as carnivores if their diet is composed preferably of meat. For example, they are carnivores: lion, tiger, leopard, etc.

Herbivores: A herbivore is an animal that feeds exclusively on plants and not on meat. In practice, however, many herbivores eat eggs and occasionally other animal proteins. Some herbivores are sheep, horse, cow, etc.

Omnivores: Omnivorous animals feed on plant or animal substances, that is, they eat both plants and meats. This gives them a great ability to adapt to the environment, taking advantage of the most abundant food resources and varying their diet according to the circumstances. For this reason the omnivorous animals usually belong to species in expansion (they are not in danger of extinction). Omnivorous species are seagulls, rats, bears, the chimpanzee and man himself.

Frugivorous: Frugivorous animals are those that feed on fruits. They are those animals that are organically prepared for a diet based on fruits, leaves, seeds, roots and stems. They are frugivorous some primates including, among others, certain species of bats, toucans, etc.


Here you will find some of the rarest animals on the planet, rather they 
seem to be from another planet but it is not so, check these 
images that you will see below...

1.- Cuban Funnel Ear Bat

2.- North Wombat

3.- Sumatran rhinoceros

4.- Hirola 

5.- Soft shell turtle

6.- Yeti crab

7.- Iridescent blue tarantula

8.- Picozapato bird
9.- Aye-Aye

10.- Sphinx cat